Carriage Driving For Disabled Adults In Dorset

Friday, June 27, 2008

Volunteer Helpers

Just some of our happy volunteer helpers take a break before the first drives of the morning.

We welcome anyone and everyone who wants to get something out of working as a volunteer in the wonderful environment we enjoy here at Holton Lee. As a charity working to provide carriage driving for disabled adults in Dorset we open our doors to anyone regardless of background or disability, be it mental or physical, to help us in the yard or just come to do as much or little as you like. There's a welcome for everyone!

We embrace Holton Lee's mission statement: "...empowering and resourcing people, particularly carers and disabled people, through creativity, environmental awareness, personal growth and spirituality."


There would be a very special welcome to someone with accounts experience who would be prepared to take on the task of Treasurer.

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Ragwort Season Again!

What a depressing sight!! Ragwort taking over the grazing area for our four horses.
A single plant is capable of producing up to 150,000 seeds which can remain viable in the soil for up to seven years, so imagine what this lot can do!! What we have here is the result of being down-wind of fields in set-aside that have not been topped in time to prevent seed dispersal, so we have a very dense seed bank. We cleared the ragwort last year with the help of a unit of soldiers, but this year the season is obviously very favourable for plant growth and it is worse than ever.

On the recommendation from a friend we have invested in the purchase of four Ragforks and we are absolutely delighted with the usefulness of this simple little tool - very happy to recommend it to anyone with a ragwort problem. This tool enables one to remove ragwort by the roots, which is so important because, if left in the ground, they will produce plants in the next year. With the ground hard and dry it is hard work getting the roots up and I'm sure many broke off in our efforts last year.
For more information visit Ragwort Facts and Controlling Ragwort.
To find a stockist near you click HERE.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Household Cavalry Link With Ash Tree Stables

I watched the Trooping of the Colour to mark the Queen's birthday this weekend. Claire Balding was covering the mounted part of the event and summed it up as " a vast display of sheer excellence!" I couldn't have put it better.

I can't help feeling moved to say how very fortunate and privileged we are to have a man of Wally Pitt's calibre as Group Organiser for the East Holton Driving Centre.

Wally spent 22 years with the Household Cavalry with all the training that goes into producing spectacles like this. He didn't just take part in the riding and driving; he was involved in every aspect of horse management and training of both horse and rider, and now here he is able to share all his accumulated knowledge and experience with us. I just can't believe how lucky we are!

Also it is all down to Wally that we receive very useful financial support from the Dorset Household Cavalry Association.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Waiting Times.

Why Are We Waiting?
This Is Boring - Let's Get This Show On The Road For Pete's Sake!!

Some times our disabled drivers catch us out with delays like this. Two horses ready to drive, but the prospective drivers are somewhere en route from Bournemouth! Or perhaps taking longer to get ready: one must allow for the fact that getting three wheelchair users ready for an outing is quite a job for the carers involved.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

June Update.

Felix saving himself!!
"I guess I better get up now."

It's been a while since I last wrote on the blog; how time flies.
Life at the stables continues at a good pace with a few new faces among our disabled drivers, and the horses are in fine fettle, looking great now that they have got rid of their winter coats.

Rain and warm sunshine have been a blessing for grass growth this year, which means that we haven't had to feed any hay for some time now. Unfortunately Ragwort has also been growing apace and we are going to have to start tackling this dreadful weed as it takes over more and more of the horses' precious pasture. The problem is finding enough time to fit in another task in an already busy week.

Our AGM is looming up on 16th June. We are sad to be losing both our secretary and our treasurer, Tim and Shirley, who have done a sterling job this last year.
We have found our secretary in Val who has volunteered to fill the post, but we are still looking for a treasurer. Any volunteers?