Carriage Driving For Disabled Adults In Dorset

Saturday, January 31, 2009

False Start!

Red Sky In The Morning!

Two weeks on since the shoes went on for the new season, and we still have found it too wet to start exercising the horses!
Perhaps this new spell of cold dry winds from the east will dry the ground out enough for us to make a start in February. However, the farming forecast is for possibility of snow and a very cold week, so we shall just have to see.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Shoeing For The 2009 Season

Shoes are fitted for the new season.

Monday 12th January 2009. Keith, our farrier prepares Charlie Brown's hooves for shoeing. Charlies woolly winter coat is ample protection for the winter weather. This photo was from last year which belies the cruel persistent rain that plagued Keith all morning this year!!

We now hope and pray that the wet weather doesn't hang around too long and hamper our efforts to start getting the horses fit again!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

January Freeze!

Call this cold?

The cold snap is infinitely preferable to rain! All the horses are looking extremely healthy and we are looking forward to the shoes going on and a chance to start working them next week.

Thursday, January 01, 2009


Our horses had their breakfast feed mixed with Guinness on both Christmas Day and New Year's Day as a special treat from the people who appreciate their service throughout the year.

The horses, the members and trustees of the East Holton Driving Centre join in wishing everyone a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

Happy driving in 2009.

EHDC Christmas Lunch

On Wednesday 17th December Carol and her team at Dylans Restaurant in the Courtyard Centre in Lytchett Minster certainly did us proud this year with a first class Christmas lunch for 24 supporters and users of the EHDC.

We all enjoyed a wonderful atmosphere of bonhomie and Christmas spirit with enthusiastic anticipation of another year of driving at Holton Lee.

Lantern Walk With Carols.

On 11th December we were blessed with a lovely dry, if somewhat chilly evening for our annual Holton Lee / EHDC lantern walk with Christmas carols. Organising an outdoor event at this time of year it pays to not consider the weather, just pray it will be okay on the day!!

It was lovely to see such a wonderful turnout of supporters of Holton Lee and the driving group. We were lucky to obtain the services of Colin on his keyboard for musical accompaniment and he did an excellent job moving his keyboard three times on our walk down to the stables and back!

Starting at Faith House we sang two carols after an introductory prayer and welcome messages by Bridget Green and Holton Lee's new director, Theresa Veith, with Wally Pitt on behalf of the East Holton Driving Centre. We followed the winding pathway, lit most effectively by candles in jars on either side, down to stop outside the art studios for another carol before proceeding to our humble stable yard where it seemed hard not to think what Christmas is all about - a celebration of the birth of Jesus, born in a humble stable more than 2000 years ago.

Here we gathered round patio heaters for a bit of warmth loaned by A1 Hire in front of a simple crib scene for a few more carols before returning to Faith House for a last rousing "We Wish You A Merry Christmas".

Children were entertained to a little treasure hunt and various activities back in the warmth of Faith House by Angela and her family.

Warm mulled wine and mince pies generously donated by Sainsburys' Pitwines store were enjoyed by all as we gathered in Faith House to socialise and collect raffle prizes drawn by Theresa. Among the prizes was a luxury organic hamper generously donated by Goldys Farm Shop at Lytchett Minster, a family carriage drive, a bottle of wine from Majestic wines in Poole.

A fine Christmas tree outside the Farmhouse was generously donated by the Cooper family at Mannington Heath Farm was decorated with handsome blue tree lights donated by B & Q at Fleetsbridge.

Our thanks go out to all those who helped with this lovely event in our calender.