End of season Group Organisers Report 2009
We have arrived at the end of another driving season at the East Holton Driving Centre.
2009 has been very successful. We have had some terrific support from all our service users and helpers alike;
* We have done more drives
* We have had good weather conditions so missed less driving time.
* We have much more grazing 120 acres more in fact.
* We have extended our tenancy from 12 monthly to unlimited. Thanks to Sir Tom Lees.
* We have broken down the final barriers between Holton Lee and the EHDC.
* We have given more opportunities to people with disability through mentoring to be more hands on with the horses.
* We have work on going with reducing discrimination and prejudice for disabled people.
* We have eliminated expectations and that has reduced our failure rate.
* We are reasonably happy with things overall financially. We remain solvent anyway.
We strive to let disabled people be more independent and have a much larger say in there own destiny, our friends are disabled not unable.
I wish to thank all involved for their help to make 2009 so successful and will hope to see you at the closed season events over Christmas especially. Please stay in touch and we look forward to your continued support next season. If you are reading this and not a helper already, please feel free to make contact with us and join us, disabled or non disabled we have a place for you. Contact :-Wally on 07790912770.
Wally Pitt