Carriage Driving For Disabled Adults In Dorset

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Be Nice Halter

Marmite has proved to be a rogue and a bit of a handful at times. When it suited him he knew that nobody could match his strength if he chose to dash off on his own for some fresh grass or some other bit of mischief in the yard! This only happened when he was being lead on a head-collar (he is perfectly behaved in harness).

We were at our wits end how to control his exuberant bad manners until Sal, one of our volunteer helpers, suggested we should try a Be Nice Halter.

The Be Nice Halter is an excellent and humane training device imported from America. The design is patented and although there have been some imitations manufactured, nothing else is as effective.

The halter works on the simple principle that when the horse resists, pressure is automatically applied and when the animal begins to co-operate, the pressure is automatically released. Therefore, it is not just a restraint, but a very effective training device as well.

Since we introduced him to the Be Nice Halter we have had no trouble controlling Marmite whatsoever. At the first sign of an impulse by Marmite to shoot off, gentle but firm pressure on the lead rope reminds him of who’s in charge and he is unbelievably accepting and cooperative!!

If anyone reading this has a problem horse we highly recommend that they check out this remarkable halter and learn about it and how to use it from Monty Roberts by clicking on this link:


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Margaret Newell Day Sun 1st August 2010

Can't find instructions!! Which tube connects to which tube??!

The first Sunday in August this year has come and gone in the blink of an eye it seems.... well it seems that way now!!

A lot of hard work and preparation went into the day and we are very grateful to all those concerned. Our thanks also to those who were generous in the supply of raffle prizes, items for tombola, cakes, books, toys and food for the BBQ.

The weather was kind to us, if not very generous with sunshine! Although fewer people attended this year, it is thanks to their generosity that we made a very pleasing amount in excess of £400.

We need some help with more fund-raising ideas!!