Happy New Year!!
Here's wishing everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year!
A slow thaw, though making walking in the yard extremely treacherous, is encouraging.
I think the novelty of our very beautiful snow-clad countryside is beginning to wear off as we look forward to thoughts of spring and warmer weather!
The horses are enjoying the extra acres we allowed them when the snow cover made it difficult to find enough to eat. They have been receiving a hard feed of Hi-Fi (chaff), bran and a little pasture mix while the snow has covered the ground, but when we took the electric fence back to allow them the whole field of about 20 acres their excitement was a delight to watch as they galloped round, up and back with 'airs above the ground' , heels in the air like a bunch of yearlings that have been stabled all winter and are experiencing freedom for the first time!
Once this weather clears up we shall have to restrict the grazing area again to avoid them coming out of the winter too fit as they did last year, with the sad consequence of Maggie getting laminitis and missing most of the driving season.
Roll on Spring!!