To: Everyone!
You are all aware that financially things are not easy for the Group, and we need to look at our income v our outgoings. At the AGM on Wednesday 20 June I shall propose an increase in the membership fee, and also a rise in the fees for a drive. My proposals follow this note. I have signed myself as Proposer, but I would be very grateful if a paid-up Member would sign as Seconder on each Motion – it doesn’t have to be the same person for each Motion.
If you know you are not a Member, please see me (or any member of the Committee) – I have the Membership cards, and I will be delighted to relieve you of £1!!
If you are not sure if you are a Member, you probably aren’t – sorry to be vague but I have been unable to find an up-to-date membership list.
I have also suggested that we do not produce Christmas cards and calendars this year, but this doesn’t need to be the subject of a formal Motion.
If you are unable to attend the AGM, but would like your views aired at the AGM, please email me as soon as possible. There is no mechanism for postal or electronic voting.
Jo Winfield
Motion 1
The Membership fee shall be £2 (minimum). Membership shall run from 1 April each year until 31 March the following year/
Proposed by Jo Winfield
Seconded by . . . .
Rationale. The Membership fee has been a nominal £1 since the Group was started, and is considerably less than membership of other charities, eg, the Anaphylaxis campaign is £17, Pony Club £58. The EHDG has to pay the RDA several hundred pounds a year for membership. A rise from £1 to £2 represents less than the cost of two first class stamps, or one day’ s national newspaper. This rise would make a small but significant contribution to Group funds. The reason for adding the word “minimum” is to take into account anyone who feels that £2 is still a very small amount to pay for Membership, and would like to pay more. Please note that only Members are permitted to vote at AGM’s, so if you want a say in how the Group is run, you should be a Member!
Motion 2
The fee for a drive for Members who are not volunteers or otherwise involved in the regular active running of the Group shall be £10 per half hour.
The fee for a drive for regular service users shall be £15 per half hour per person. Every 5th drive per person shall be subject to a discount of £5.
The fee for a drive for Guests and Visitors (ie, non members) shall be £20 per half hour.
The fee for the hire of horse and carriage for self-drive by qualified Whips who are not Members shall be £50 per half hour: conditions apply and are subject to negotiation with the Group Organiser or Chairman.
Fees may be waived in exceptional circumstances with permission from the Group Organiser or Chairman.
Proposed by Jo Winfield
Seconded by . . . .
Rationale It is regrettable that funding for transport etc for regular service users has been reduced, but at the same time our costs have risen considerably – and our income has decreased significantly due to:
a) adverse weather conditions,
b) long-term illness of one of our Whips
It is important that we do not raise our fees to the extent that we discourage the use of the invaluable and unique service we provide – this could mean the end of EHDC – but on the other hand, if we fail to maintain our income, this will also mean the end of EHDC. We have to strike a happy medium! For several years, a number of the service users and/or their carers have indicated that the fees we charge are too low, and they would be happy to see an increase. Recently others have also said that they would be not be unhappy if we increased the fees; and yesterday service users said that we are the cheapest activity they use in Dorset and Hampshire - most activities are £15 and horse riding is £20 for 30 minutes. The idea of a discount for every 5th drive per person is to take the “sting” out of the increase – it would parallel store “loyalty” cards – the Secretary is prepared to run such a scheme.
Motion 3
That the Annual General Meeting of the East Holton Driving Group should be held at 11am on the first Saturday in every May, starting with Saturday 4th May 2013. In exceptional circumstances, this date may be moved with the permission of the Chairman and Group Organiser.
Proposed by Jo Winfield
Seconded by . . . .
Rationale The usual day for the AGM has always been a mid-week day, when many Members will be working, and thus unable to attend. A Saturday would enable more Members to attend, and thus the outcome of the AGM would be more representative of the wishes of the Group as a whole. However, AGM’s have the reputation of being boring affairs (come to one of ours and see that this is not always so!): perhaps it would be possible to go on to eg, Dylans afterwards for a Group lunch, thus making the AGM an annual social event as well as a formal administrative affair.