Group Organiser's Report
What a winter we have had, any horse owner who likes or has to, keep their horses out will know just how wet it has been. We have been lucky at Holton Lee to be able to move the horses between grazing areas blessed with natural shelter.
From September we stop deep grooming and build a winter coat so that we don't have use rugs, we have found this a great success; with shoes removed we rough the horses off for November and December to give them a holiday. In fact because of the weather they are still on holiday, although their shoes are back on and they are ready to work, the soggy ground is preventing us even doing the work to get them fit for the season which should start in March.
Helper training is still continuing on Mondays and the team are all raring to go. For the people who have joined us over the closed season and looking forward to helping during this one we can only say be patient, there will be plenty to do when it starts. Thank you to everyone who inquired and came to see how they can help. We will never turn anyone away and many hands make light work, so come along and see if you can help us. More importantly you might feel that we can help you. The present staff finds that it is very much a two way thing. Holton Lee is a very special place, very therapeutic and relaxing. We are a mile from the A351 and not far from the harbour. As we drive, we often see the deer, birds and other wild life. What more could you wish for?
We have some new harness; one set was donated by Nigel, a long standing disabled driver, and two by the Household Cavalry Association Dorset, We would like to say thank you to both Nigel and the Association for their continued support. The Household Cavalry Association has supported us for the last twelve years and continues to do so in 2007. Thank you Gentlemen.
It is sad, but due to the serious illness of Margaret Newell, there will be no horse show this year, and this was our main fund-raiser in the year. Margaret has held the show at Holton Lee for the last ten years. She had said that the last one was her final one, but she had everything on her computer and another one would be no trouble. We are sorry it's not to be. What a lady, what energy, only to be admired. A crusty old horsewoman with a heart of gold, I think sums up Margaret. There is the right way, the wrong way, and Margaret's way, and as long as you did it Margaret's way it was fine, you could say that was because it was the right way. I only hope that I can run the group as well as she did.
Let us hope and pray that we get some dry weather soon so that we can start doing what we are here to do, give disabled drivers and riders a good time.
Posted by Wally Pitt